For those of you following along with these blogs, you’re probably already aware of what’s been happening. You’ve seen the videos, the shorts, and the social media posts. But if I just left it at that, there wouldn’t really be a blog.
So, you might be wondering why there hasn’t been a blog until now. Well, let me fill you in: YouTube is the culprit! Not the most satisfying explanation, right? You see, YouTube has been mysteriously losing views ever since the decline of The Fairly OddParents. Live videos just haven’t been the same since. This situation led to a flurry of activities, including several live streams and a short film focusing on games.
But there’s more to the story! Have you heard of the new book, *Trapped in the Cursed Painting*? It’s finally published!
I’m not exactly sure when the project kicked off, but December was all-consuming. One big reason it took so long? The cover illustration. That’s often the leading reason behind publishing delays. I helped create the cover, because let’s face it—AI isn’t always up to the task of capturing the right vision!
Once the cover was sorted out, it was time to dive into writing the book. It proved to be quite the challenge. The story centers around a girl interacting with a painting, but I hit a few snags. How can someone casually chat with a painting in a hotel? Why was she even there? And how did she stumble upon the painting? So many plot points to cover in just 20 chapters!
You’re probably curious about how the story unfolds. Well, you’ll just have to pick up a copy to find out!
This project took me all through December to complete, with the final touches happening just before December 20th. However, it didn’t officially hit the shelves until Christmas Day.
But that’s not all that’s been going on! We had only 20 Christmas cards to send out, yet over 70 people on our list. So, we spent the entire holiday season emailing, texting, and posting e-cards to everyone who didn’t receive a physical card.
Oh, and let’s not forget about one of the most important parts of Christmas: gift wrapping! I had to shop for 10 people while ensuring everything arrived on time. As we stand today, there’s just one last gift left. Will she ever get it? Probably not until next year... or, wait! That’s tomorrow!
Christmas always keeps the Shiver and Fears team busy! However, we’re about to hit pause for the upcoming year. Tomorrow, Shiver and Fears will take a break and transition to "Magical Times." These previously published books will be re-released with fresh covers, and exciting new titles are on the horizon.
Will there be a blog site dedicated to this? Not really.
For now, I wish you all a Happy New Fear! It’s a phrase we fondly say each year. I hope you enjoy our books, stories, and posts! Don’t think we’ll be disappearing forever... We’ll see you next year!