Now back to the real reason for this blog. The new series, Magical Times, is making a big appearance this year. Not only is the hard-back cover version published, but we're also making a video based off the book.
You don't have to be a pro to be in the video. And we have a lot of open parts:
- The Dad: A hard working man as a teacher, tutor, coach, and children program volunteer
- The Mom: A nurse at a nursing home.
- A.J. Hardwick: C.J.'s twin brother A teenage with a "cool factor" has the power to cast his own spells
- C.J. Hardwick: A.J.'s twin brother with the "smart factors" has the power the see the future
- Brittnie Hardwick: twin's little sister. Shy, but independent has the power to lift things with her mind
- Steve (voice): The talking pet dog, trainer for twins
- Aunt: a "negative nancy", pushy and demanding, lazy/ self observes with likes, and thoughts
- Uncle: a free thinker, rap lover, agreeable listener, interested in cars
- Skylar: Male cousin, video game lover, sports fan kind and conversational
- Carson: Female cousin, selfish careless, dancer, and tv hog
- Great Grandma/ Great Aunt: twin angles of heaven, kind hearted, stern but fair.
- Grand Pap: Lazy, always complaining, loud chatter, insults as joke
- Granny: Christian by heart, loves family, involves herself in everything, not a magic fan
- Ian Alexander: Jerk next door, enemy of the twins, not very smart
You want a part? Give me an email.