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See it, like it, click it

Something I notice from my so called fans. They see it and like it, but do they really click it? The answer is no!! Don't think I don...

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Hidden From Social Media

So, I'm sure you've heard about that Powerpuff Girl live-action movie being canned a few years ago. But can you believe no one wants you to know about this disaster? Not only are they trying to mop up their mistake and ignore it, they won't let people see it.
Where do I get this idea from? Easy, because the day that it got leaked, I watched the trailer and the second I wanted to share the news... IT WAS GONE!
People were talking about it, but no one could show the trailer. Not even segments of it. Everywhere I tried posting it, it was cast as copyright and was not allowed to be shared!
Crazy! Well, what I have here is the trailer of that failed project...
Question lies to thousands of people why this idea was scraped. The answer? Because the audience were not pleased of the idea of making 3 kind children into destructive adults. Catch this: Bubbles, our sweet, innocent heart throb, is supposed to be a wannabe diva who apparently drinks and lives a wild life.

Blossom our fearless, smart leader can't get her life together. Now we don't know much about what's going on in her mind, but apparently she has been slacking in her duties and has ran away because of it.

Buttercup the tomboy, the girl with a tude, is a rebel? She's against all things that girls stand for, not only as being simple and sweet and 'soft', but also as a general girl. Almost as if Buttercup doesn't like the idea of being a girl.

Now I'm sure there are some other things that you have to say about this movie idea, but one thing I was not pleased with was how this whole idea was focused on... us!

You see, I like my cartoons the way they always were, zaney, funny, and childish. What this movie is doing is having our childhood grow up with us! I don't know about you, but I don't want my childhood to grow up, if you know what I mean.

How would you like it if  Scooby Doo were a police crew instead and solved murders instead? What would it be like if Rugrats were smoking and drinking while suffering from divorce and family matters? Would you want to watch Jimmy Neutron working giving up inventing stuff because they don't pay the bills?

Point is, even if these characters do grow up, they shouldn't be living a "real" life. With "real" problems and "real" difficulties.

If I were in charge of the movie plot. The Powerpuff Girls would move out of Townsville and join an agency. Then have their next mission be in Townville where they learn that after the mysterious disappearance of Mojo Jojo he has returned with a plot to cause a downfall on the girls' agency. The girls blame each other for their fail attempt and leave Blossom to finish the mission.

That's all I got so far, but if you have an idea, comment below!


Friday, March 21, 2025

Enid AuthorFest of 2025

 So coming up this April is the Enid Author Fest. It's one of my favorite events of the year. Dozens of authors come and present their books to sell to new viewers... Wait. You should know about this, I talk about it every year...

Wait, are you new?? Ok, well here is a link about it, HERE. Anyway, I want to talk about what I have planned for the AuthorFest this year.

Shiver and Fears is taking a break this year... Oh yeah, I've said that too. Ok, ok. So the books we will be presenting are The Origin: The story that explains the start of the whole magical twins thing:

Although this is the 7th book of the series, Magical Times. It doesn't really affect the order of the series. This book is a prequel to the whole series and will answer most questions people tend to have after reading the first book.

Next, we have the first book, In a Deal of a Situation, which starts the book series. It introduces all the characters you will learn to love and hate while reading the book.

Both of these books have been republished by Ingram Spark which is the reason why, although I'm taking a break from it, one of Shiver and Fears' books is also to be sold at the signing.
Shiver and Fears: There's a Ghost in My Film is the first Shiver and Fears book to be published by Ingram and is being introduced at the signing.
Now, although you can come and purchase the book at the AuthorFest, it is perfectly fine to purchase this book at your local retailers such as Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and Book A Million (If those still exist)
But, do know. We will have a few other things to share at the AuthorFest. Each book purchased at the event will be a free audiobook provided by Audible and visitors will get a free open chance for free merch, whether or not a book is purchased.
But, I encourage you, wherever you live- Kansas, Kentucky, Texas. Take a trip to Enid for the AuthorFeast. Dozens of authors would be pleased with your appearance!

Friday, February 21, 2025

New Year, New Trades

Things have been running a bit different lately. Videos aren't as popular as they use to on youtube. They seem to be catching attention on TikTok, but Content ideas are slim. Check this one out yourself CLICK FOR VIDEO. Meanwhile books have been traveling to many places, and even though Walmart has added Magical Times to their website, they rejected adding it to their shelf.
Walmart has been getting on my nerves lately, just a few weeks ago, I ordered some equipment in December. Not only did I get it late in January, but the picture was NOTHING like what I received. I was completely tricked. It was obviously an online seller trying to sell a useless device.
Anyway, that's a whole different story. Magical Times is now spreading to more countries and states. In fact, a few books has sold over time. That was new!
Another thing that I have noticed is that music is becoming more noticeable. "On the Shelf" has gotten a couple of views, Although when I brought up the Valentine song, everyone seemed to turn their heads. As catchy as it is, and as close as Valentine's Day was, not one was interested in playing it.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you've heard about the snow attacking our states. It might become Shiver and Fears next hit. "Shiver and Fears: Trapped with Cabin Fever" 
You might not think that's seems scary. Well, you don't know the story. And believe me, it's not as easy of a plot as you think.

Meanwhile, a new channel has arrived a while back. J.U.S.T Got Game. Have you heard of it? Let me just say, Shiver and Fears is not my only channel I work with.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Books and... Video games?

Let’s take a break from discussing books and talk about video games! Since "Shiver and Fears" is on a break this year, I’ve created a new video segment on social media focused on playing video games. Sometimes, my friends and I come together to play a variety of online games. While we often play on Roblox, we explore other games as well.

One game we really enjoy is *TOGETHER*, which was introduced to us by the founder of J.U.S.T. Got Game. However, it’s not the only game in our lineup. We also play games like Scribbl.io, Gartic Phone, and Dress to Impress, among others. The tricky part is that we need to keep the content kid-friendly since we’re creating videos for a younger audience. Some members of our group struggle with maintaining a child-appropriate rating.

We recently finished a video where we tackled a maze of levels. Some levels required a lot of time and teamwork, while others were quite simple—we just made them more challenging for fun!

If you're a video gamer, check out the games we've played! And hey, don’t forget to leave a comment. I see a lot of views, but I’d love to hear from the audience as well. Share your thoughts, and we’ll respond—don’t worry! ✌✌

Friday, January 31, 2025

Last minute Blog

 Ok so we just got finished republishing all 7 Magical Times books. #8 is on it's way now. What's it about? A.J. and C.J. have to figure out why Ian's friends have deserted him. This series is getting really good. Magical Times isn't just about boys learning magical powers, it's also about learning life's twists and turns and how sometimes magic isn't the answer, but it can help.

For those of you who may not like thriller stories, which I hear alot, you might like a fantasy series instead!

Friday, January 17, 2025

New Year, New Book

I bet you're wondering why it's taken nearly 17 days to start the blog of 2025. Things have been runningon a complicated edge at the moment. Not in a bad way though.

So here's what the news is. Shiver and Fears is on a break, but monsters Boo, Bling Bing, and Nettspend are still at the go. Their creators seemed to have ditched them and now they don't have much of a place to be. A comic of Boo and his earlier friends have a comic that's been viewed over 100 times. Will Nettspend and Bling bing get a chance? Maybe not. I mean, they aren't given much attention from their creators, and I have other things to do.

Which comes to what is going on here with the books, Magical Times is making it's reappearance as a new book. Now, this is taking a lot of process, mostly because the manuscripts were lost. Luckily all were found and were ready for publishing. Then I had to create one cover template for each book to be published in.

 Then, after each book has gotten matched with it cover, now come the easy (but still complicated ) part. Working with a new publishing company is always hard to do. But it promises good things for these books. 
For example, My books are now being sold at Walmart! Now I've stated this before, but it was always a bit of luck that got them there. 
Now that i work with this new publishing area, they can get Magical Times books is locations a lot more noticable.
Now, let's talk about distributors. So it turns out there is a busy that wants my work in store, but the process will cost. Not much of a problem, BUT it'll take a lot of work to get it done. This means, merch will have to be processed, books will have to be collected, and promotions will have to be made.
So that's all that's been happening with books, let's talk about videos...


I decided to save that for later, that's a whole other story to tell!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Shiver and Fears blog of 2024

For those of you following along with these blogs, you’re probably already aware of what’s been happening. You’ve seen the videos, the shorts, and the social media posts. But if I just left it at that, there wouldn’t really be a blog.

So, you might be wondering why there hasn’t been a blog until now. Well, let me fill you in: YouTube is the culprit! Not the most satisfying explanation, right? You see, YouTube has been mysteriously losing views ever since the decline of The Fairly OddParents. Live videos just haven’t been the same since. This situation led to a flurry of activities, including several live streams and a short film focusing on games.

But there’s more to the story! Have you heard of the new book, *Trapped in the Cursed Painting*? It’s finally published! 

I’m not exactly sure when the project kicked off, but December was all-consuming. One big reason it took so long? The cover illustration. That’s often the leading reason behind publishing delays. I helped create the cover, because let’s face it—AI isn’t always up to the task of capturing the right vision!

Once the cover was sorted out, it was time to dive into writing the book. It proved to be quite the challenge. The story centers around a girl interacting with a painting, but I hit a few snags. How can someone casually chat with a painting in a hotel? Why was she even there? And how did she stumble upon the painting? So many plot points to cover in just 20 chapters!

You’re probably curious about how the story unfolds. Well, you’ll just have to pick up a copy to find out!

This project took me all through December to complete, with the final touches happening just before December 20th. However, it didn’t officially hit the shelves until Christmas Day.

But that’s not all that’s been going on! We had only 20 Christmas cards to send out, yet over 70 people on our list. So, we spent the entire holiday season emailing, texting, and posting e-cards to everyone who didn’t receive a physical card.

Oh, and let’s not forget about one of the most important parts of Christmas: gift wrapping! I had to shop for 10 people while ensuring everything arrived on time. As we stand today, there’s just one last gift left. Will she ever get it? Probably not until next year... or, wait! That’s tomorrow!

Christmas always keeps the Shiver and Fears team busy! However, we’re about to hit pause for the upcoming year. Tomorrow, Shiver and Fears will take a break and transition to "Magical Times." These previously published books will be re-released with fresh covers, and exciting new titles are on the horizon.

Will there be a blog site dedicated to this? Not really. 

For now, I wish you all a Happy New Fear! It’s a phrase we fondly say each year. I hope you enjoy our books, stories, and posts! Don’t think we’ll be disappearing forever... We’ll see you next year!