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See it, like it, click it

Something I notice from my so called fans. They see it and like it, but do they really click it? The answer is no!! Don't think I don...

Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Author's Word of Faith

 I heard stories of people who trusted God and ended up in terrible places. Lion dens, mouth of a whale, prison. People who were publicly humiliated, people who's happy lives were broken and stripped away. 

Those people stayed true to God. I will too. 

There are bible verses that state to trust God, never show fear, listen to his words. Some people sometimes have to question the path and start to mistrust the path. I can't,so I won't.

I've learned that God places tests in your path, mostly to see how you respond. Some freak out and run off the trail, never to follow the path ever again. Others try to make their own path and end up hurt and broken, dirty and in pain. But they still follow that path. I don't know the whole facts, but I'm sure some go through those tests. The grade for that test aren't always an A, but those who take those test I image spread a smile across their face.

I want to be one of them. As I takes this test, I trust that my new destination will result in peace and happiness. 

Sometime we feel comfortable where we are. And we believe that's where we are meant to be for the rest of our lives, I don't know why God changes it. But I was told it's for something better.

If I am going to stand in the heart of Jesus, then I have to believe it. So I do.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Order on Layaway

I'm glad that most of our merchandise is on layaway. 😊 We're trying something new 💡 by asking customers if they'd like to place an order on hold.

This idea is still new, but it seems to reduce the pressure on customers to make immediate purchases. Here's how it works: you can buy any of our available products, and if you're unable to pay right away, I can hold onto your items until you're ready.

I have four customers who have purchased cups, books, and pillows and put them on layaway. Could this be the new process that Shiver and Fears can use to increase sales? We'll see, as we still have more products available for purchase and we're open to placing them on layaway too.

Perhaps you're interested in taking advantage of this option? Do you want to put your order on layaway? 😊

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hello, you there? Oh, I guess not...

 So I posted a video, that questions how important it is. You can find this on the TikTok page or later in this blog. But let me tell you about this video and where this thought came from. It basically started after posting about camp this upcoming week.

I had made a post about heading to camp and figured with it being a week or so away post another one to spread the excitement a bit more. It was strange how at this moment now, People are still watching the first video and still commenting, but the new one is slowly getting attention. I didn't think much of it, but then something upset me later. I've noticed that in Instagram, the only videos that got the most attention were the ones that had to do little of what I wanted to share and more about anything else.

If the video was about a monster drawing for the contest more followers would have watched it and reached 86 views. However, if the video was about the time aligning with the date it would reach to more non-followers and have 294 views. Now I tested this to see what caused this. Was it the cover? I used a picture to basically hide what the video was about and wait for results. It was one of those "I'm a - or course I -" videos. More followers watched it and low views.

This was an interesting event. It seemed that no one was attracted to or wanted to know about Shiver and Fears. So one day I was thinking of my next video project and thought no one wanted books, so what would happen if a statement was placed that basically stated that writing is a waste of time? Would it get viewers? comments? questions? or would it just be ignored? I tested this, which you can find here attention grabber <<

You watch it? So tell me, what are your thoughts? I'll explain it to you in the next blog!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shiver and Fears fan fiction

 We have recieved a book cover illustration from a young boy, who has an art for story telling. This  young artist made a Shiver and Fears cover to be placed in the art gallery. His story idea: The Farmer and the Werehare has impressed me.

When hearing the title, it made me think about fables. Now, fables are not scary, but are life lessons within stories. So this is very unique to me. This cover makes me want to write the story in the form of a fable. It would be something different is Shiver and Fears history! However due to this title not being my idea, I can't do so. But that doesn't mean that Shiver and Fears can not start an idea from this.

Now, I won't give it away, but maybe one day I will create a book with this fan art as my inspiration. The ideas are endless!
Now, as for you, maybe your book cover idea can do the same. I saw give it a shot. Create a perfect title for Shiver and Fears to want to read and create the cover for it. Kids can do it, and they tend to draw a lot of fun shapes. So I encourage you to give it a shot. 
So, what are you waiting for MAKE THAT COVER!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Shiver and Fears Creative Cover contest


 Ok, it's not a contest, but it is a chance for you to make your idea of a Shiver and Fears book!
Now, before you ask, no this will not become a new book. Instead, the drawing cover will be presented in the art gallery of the Shiver and Fears website. Here is how to enter:
  • Get the cover template from our Facebook page - Shiver and Fears
  • Print out the design at home or at the library
  • Design your cover illustration in the door frame and place a title underneath.
  • with parent's permission, email the picture to shiverandfears@gmail.com
  • You'll be messaged back if it's placed in the gallery.
Any age may turn in a drawing, just remember a few simple rules:
  • No copyright of any published story
  • must be colored with crayons, paint, marker, or any other colorful tool
  • Entries must be child friendly; and appropriate for ages 8-13.
  • Sequels to the original Shiver and Fears books are acceptable, but no other familiar book series
  • Only one entry per person. Include your name
This is named a contest, but it's not, because there's no time limit and there's more than one winner. In fact, it's a shoe-in that if you send me your best work it'll be placed on our website. I will also announce that if you don't have a Facebook account, we can deliver you the template however fits best, just let us know.
Well, what are you waiting for? GET TO DRAWING!!!