Shiver and Fears has been working hard putting together the annual Bookaversary party. Now, a lot of people don't know what exactly a Bookaversary is. Is it really that difficult? I mean what two words do you hear in Bookaversary? If you said book and anniversary you are correct. Here's the drill. Shiver and Fears first book was published July 20th of 2012. Now I've learned my lesson that if you ever have a celebration you always throw it on a Saturday. So this book signing party is hosted on the Saturday before the 20th, if not the 20th itself. Each year Shiver and Fears gets the attention it needs with a party, cake, and Shiver and Fears rewards.
This year Shiver and Fears are doing a little extra, we had a contest for one of Shiver and Fears books illustration. We'll be making an announcement of the winner at the party, have a scavenger hunt for the t-shirts and hosts the Shiver and Fears questions on facebook, if not answered then the questions will be posted at the party. Winner get to keep 1 of 5 water squirters. We might have a facepainter giving you the chance to get The Mark of Shiver and Fears.
We also will have two camera men. One will do a live film on facebook and the other will soon put together a video for Shiver and Fears birthday on youtube. And don't forget, take a picture and post it July 20th on facebook. In order to find it hashtag it (#) with shiverandfears or Bookaversary. We'll then repost it on the Shiver and Fears page for everyone to see.
So if you want to come, then come. If you want to hear about it then go to facebook and catch the live video.