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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

New Book in the Making

So Shiver and Fears is making some changes to it's book series. You might have seen a few upgrades over time. The logo, the slogan, the website, and even the books have gone through a few changes as well. Well, my books are making another change. This change isn't very effective, but I think it's time.
Last changes we did for book was the cover idea. Each book cover was postered on a poloid photo, now readers can view the book cover as though walking through the door.
This year we're changing the back cover. As you, the reader, knows back covers are usually where a summary of the book is placed. Shiver and Fears has always place it there, but now the summary is going to be changed. It'll be told in 1st person form instead of the original 3rd person.
I didn't say these changes were big, just different. Another thing that I'm working on is with another illustration partner. So the covers will be a bit different... again.
One thing that I hope will change is the thickness of the book. If you are new, then you might want to read about this. Shiver and Fears is only 20 chapters long. But most books haven't even reached to 100 pages. Although most have, each chapter of a book is about 5 or less pages long, and rarely more than that. This year my books are expanding. Want to know why? Check this out.

During the first set of years writing. I was a little impatient. I had an idea of the plot, but didn't know how to really widespread a chapter without being dull. For example, check out how I change this simple snip:

Sam ran through the forest. The wolf was behind him. Sam tripped over a branch. He knew it was over.

Now this is an idea of how I would write a story. Kind of simple and not much to work with. After doing some reading and years of studying, I think I've improved a little:

Sam's heart pounded against his chest running through the forest. Growls and snarls came from the wolf as it chased behind him. Sam rushed full speed, not realizing the branch was bound to stop him. He fell headfirst into the leaves and dirt. Sam was too tired to make another move. He knew that he had reached his end.

What do you think? I'm trying to be more detailed in my books now. But I tend to have a fear to overdose the chapters. I mean, I want to expand them, but I don't want 20 page chapters. Just want to go over the 100 page mark. So my estimate is 130-200 pages nothing near 400. It might mean Shiver and Fears will be a little more expensive. We'll see...

Now, you might be wondering what is the next book about. Well.. I'll give a hint. It not as detailed as you might think. So don't put too much thought into it. 

Now here is my clue. The cover has nothing to do with the book. Skinny Creeps isn't a part of the book either. But what Skinny Creeps is has is the whole plot of the story.
Think you got it? We'll see once this book get's finished. Right now, 1 have 10 chapters to write!

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