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Saturday, March 21, 2020

What's up Writer?

A few days ago Shiver and Fears 29 book was published. It's about a boy and his friends coming encounter with the town's legend The Burning Ghost. Things had been crazy lately. I spent a week in a hospital, then right when I was released was the moment the virus started to attack. Life is like a horror story itself now. I feel like I'm part of a zombie attack, aboard Noah's ark, or just hiding from the world itself.
I wasn't sure with this disaster if The Burning Ghost was going to get published in time. What was the hold-up? Once I returned from the hospital I spent a few days recovering from a sickness I wasn't even sure I had. Then I heard a virus was spreading all over the world, killing over 1000 people in its path. At this point, it was a depressing time. I mean it seemed like even the Earth itself couldn't even splash a light of sunshine without the darkness clouding over it.
Gruesome story huh? You would think with a story that gruesome Shiver and Fears would be inspired to write another book. Truth is, as much as I want to write the next story: The Happiest Show Ever or Magical Times without Granny what's really the point? Everyone is mostly at home spreading depression with stupid jokes about toilet paper and the virus and how April will be a total fun sucker, so they aren't really interested in to the contests and books I have to offer.
Plus I just finished The Burning Ghost after rushing the ending, I don't think now is a good time to start another book. I mean I wrote a couple of children fables on Wattpad and they only took 30 minutes. Am I really that good? Or am I just not enthused to write?
Work has been deadly slow lately. I work three jobs and now because of Virus X (That's what I call it), I'm on work lock-out. Maybe with everyone doing nothing I can sell a few audiobooks... We'll see.

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